What are Bigpond webmail IMAP and Pop Server Settings?

 IMAP and POP both configurations are important for email operation. If you want to know about these configurations, you need to understand that the IMAP and POP both are incoming server settings and without filling these configurations, your email may not work. 

The basic dissimilarity between IMAP and POP server settings are here: 

IMAP synchronize with server of email which means that if users do any type of activities such as reading the email, erasing the email or responding the email, these actions will saved and updated on the gadgets in which you have opened or configured the Bigpond email

On the other side, POP doesn’t synchronize your email with the server of email. Whatever action users will perform such as sending, erasing and reading the mail occur only that device which the user is using in the real time. 

Let us know about both of these settings: - 

IMAP (Incoming Server) 

• IMAP incoming Server URL: imap.telstra.com

• IMAP PORT NO:  993

• Security encryption: SSL

POP3 Settings (Incoming Server)

• POP3 Incoming Server URL: pop.telstra.com

• POP3 PORT; 995

• Security Encryption: SSL

SMTP (Outgoing Server) 

• SMT Outgoing Server URL: smtp.telstra.com

• SMTP PORT: 465(suggested) or 587

• SMTP Authentication: Enabled

• Security Encryption: SSL/TLS when Port is 465 (suggested) or STARTTLS when Port in 587

• Outgoing Server Requires Authentication must be checked 

• Username: Your valid Telstra/Bigpond mail ID

These are incoming and outgoing webmail server details but you can confirm these details with the Bigpond Technical Support Number so that you can match the accuracy of the information.

More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-support-australia/

More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-service-australia/


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