Does Bigpond verify a phone number?

 Bigpond or Telstra mail services are one of the largest companies which are providing users with email client services. Email is a must in our day-to-day life, with an email making conversation is much easier. Still, it is considered as the standard form of communication with people. Most of the important work is carried out by email service. And with Bigpond mail users will fall in love with email. It will make users use Bigpond services more and more. As to begin, the basic process of getting started with Bigpond mail is creating an email account. Users will have an email address and password to enter their email account. Users who want to learn more on Bigpond mail contact Customer Care.

As we were talking about the Bigpond mail beginners process, there is a question which we often get is the verification of the phone number. And yes, Bigpond does takes a phone number verification at the time of creating an account. The security feature here works to confirm a user's identity where users can also login using their phone number. If users have forgotten their accounts password, users can use the phone as the secondary device to verify and a code will be sent from which users can rest their password easily. To know more contact Bigpond Technical Support.

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